Who are we?


Our mission

CAAP Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean is the regional community organization that assists and supports people dissatisfied with a health and social services service. It contributes to the respect of rights and the improvement of services, and promotes reconciliation as an approach. It also assists tenants of private seniors’ residences.

Our mandates

Assist and support, upon request, users of the health and social services network who wish to file a complaint with an institution or the Québec Ombudsman, or whose complaint has been forwarded to the Conseil des médecins, dentistes et pharmaciens.
(Act respecting health services and social services, s. 76.6 and 76.7)

Assist and support tenants of private seniors’ residences in resolving disputes with their landlords concerning their leases.
(Agreement with the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation since 2019)

Our history

In 1991, the adoption of the Act respecting health services and social services led to the creation of the complaints examination system. The Quebec government thus confirmed the right of any person dissatisfied with the services received to lodge a complaint, and to be assisted and accompanied in this process. In each region of Quebec, a regional NPO was designated.


In 1993, the community organization Information Référence région 02 was given the mandate to provide assistance and support for complaints in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region. Our service offices are located at 415 Collard Street in Alma.

In 1995, the provincial association of complaint assistance and support organizations was created.

In 2002, the ministry evaluates the assistance teams. Following a provincial initiative, the assistance and support organizations adopt the same corporate name, Centres d’Assistance et d’Accompagnement aux Plaintes (CAAP).

In 2003, a separation process was completed with Information Référence région 02. The Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean became a full-fledged organization. We are officially designated by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and move our service offices to Complexe Jacques Gagnon in Alma.

In 2005, the law on health and social services is amended to create CSSSs and introduce mandatory certification for private seniors’ residences (RPAs). As a result, CAAPs will officially be able to assist users whose complaints are referred to the Conseil des médecins, dentistes et pharmaciens (CMDP) of an establishment for disciplinary purposes. CAAPs will also be able to assist with complaints concerning RPPs.

In 2007, our provincial association became the Fédération des centers d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes. In 2015, the law on health and social services was amended to create the CISSS and CIUSSS. To be more efficient, we move our offices from Alma to 1015 rue Boivin and open our first service office in Chicoutimi at 138 rue Price Ouest.

In 2016, CAAP Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean and Bas-Saint-Laurent host a pilot project to support RPA residents in resolving lease disputes.

In 2018, we celebrate our 25th anniversary by offering the public the show “J’ai ben l’droit” by comedian Dominic St-Laurent exploring the 12 rights of users.

In 2019, our 2016 pilot project goes national. Centers d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes across the province are given the mandate by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to assist and support tenants of private seniors’ residences in resolving disputes with their landlords concerning their leases.

In 2023, we are accepted into the MAISON OSBL project of the community of the Sisters of the Antoniennes de Marie. Our Chicoutimi office moves to 927 rue Jacques Cartier Est. The Board of Directors of CAAP Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean has adopted Joyce’s principle.


Our vision

Become the gateway and regional reference enabling more people to better formulate their dissatisfaction, choose the appropriate recourse and be supported in doing so.

Our values

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Offer personalized support throughout the service journey. Respect our customers’ pace and decisions. Demonstrate openness and transparency. Listen and support with a human and professional approach.

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Remain apolitical and freely establish our management methods, objectives, practices and actions.

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Recognize that each person has unique needs and realities.

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Anticipate opportunities and face up to challenges.

For assistance, contact us by phone at 418-662-6774 or toll-free at 1-877-767-2227, or by email at info@plaintesante.ca.

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