Become a member

Take part in our community life!

Are you interested in the rights of users and the quality of services offered by the public health and social services network?

You’re interested in topics related to housing and living conditions for seniors? You’re interested in topics related to positive social transformations?

Become a member of our community organization, which operates according to the principles ofautonomous community action !

Member benefits

  • Be informed of all important issues affecting the organization
  • Be invited to activities organized by the organization, as well as to the Annual General Meeting, and have the right to vote
  • Receive annual reports and briefs produced by the organization
  • Receive information and documentation on rights and remedies

And it’s free!

Membership requirements :

  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Residing in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region
  • Not be under protective supervision
  • Join and support the mission of CAAP Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean


For more information or to become a member, complete the form below or contact us.

Application for Membership at CAAP Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean

In accordance with the bylaws, to be considered a member in good standing and have the right to vote at the general assembly, you must submit the form at least 30 days before the annual general meeting. Please note that your membership will be renewed each year unless you inform us that you no longer wish to be a member.